I hold that in a sense, friendship and marriage are very similar becausemarriage is supposed to get started from friendship and is thus the highestlevel of friendship but not the finishing line.
I think this view has some exaggeration in it. After all, friends are onlyfriends and in no way could they replace the husband-wife relation.
There’s no denying that some people are very snobbish and they would like tomake friends with us simply because we are useful to them.
Sometimes we may feel extremely sad when a friend has cheated us, for realfriends should not be like that.
You can fool all people some of the time or some people all the time, but youcannot fool all the people all the time.
Talking about friendship, we all have much to say because our friends alwaysbring us endless joys and happiness.
Some people choose friends who aredifferent from themselves while others would like to have friends who aresimilar to themselves. This is, in fact, not important.