2018年4月26日场的雅思听力Section 4预测,请收好。4月雅思考试在即,各位考鸭迅速归位。本听力机经预测仅供考鸭们参考,如有撞题,非常荣幸。本预测是根据雅思听力场景及重复规律,精选出的历年雅思听力section 4部分真题及答案,供同学们备考雅思听力。包含雅思听力各场次、听力section 4部分题型、section 4部分听力内容和具体答案回忆。
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20150613 20110606 201106 2008
学科 动物
雅思听力题型 填空6 单选4
内容概述 蜜蜂用什么来navigation以及这个功能在人类身上的应用帮助盲人等,蜜蜂视觉和
1. The amazing part is
C small brain (bees can fly smoothly even though they have very small brain)
2. How do people distinguish one bee form another?
B color stripes ( by looking for signs in different colors on bees’ body)
3. Wings clings
B a sign applied to their bodies ( the science stick a sign under wings)
4. Choose we can calculate the distance ( we can know how far the bee can fly by knowing the time it flies)
( it talks about the current problems and advantages of road detection)
Current problem advantages
5 sticks have not enough warning (lack of enough warming ) 6 drivers can find instruments with the help of radar
7 urban area 8 the way of flying can help us know distance and speed
9 the Mars or the earth(不确定) 10 if there is water
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20150410 2011089 20110915
学科 科技
雅思听力题型 填空10
内容概述 有关bionomics仿生学的,人从自然和昆虫(蜘蛛)中获取技能。
1. Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill spider.
2. silk which is stronger than steel.
3. finer than human hair application
4.environmentally friendly equipment for fishing
5. treat sports (athlete) injures
6. medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal) pain.
7. Problem: noise of a train
Owl : artificial skill
8.skatingboards used by Olympic
9. vibration on plane and end of a tunnel
10.reduce the loss of energy
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 2016013 201103 2011017
学科 其他
雅思听力题型 填空10
内容概述 澳大利亚轮胎回收的流程
1.the typical tire dealer may generate 6000 to 8000 waste tires per month
2.there are companies recycle rubbers for profit
3.recycled no limit no size of tire
4.(5%) of the research has been completed
5.wheel hub to be production of steel wires
6.get rid of dirt segments and
7.The rubber can be molded with plastic for products
8.rubber-molded products are carpet padding or floor materials
9.XX is based on water and therefore environmentally friendly
10.MSDS is an ink applied to the thread of the tire as a visible colour
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 2016031 2015067 20110418 20120811 20091219 2007
学科 自然环境
雅思听力题型 填空5 单选5
内容概述 巴西国家土著公园,巴西热带雨林
1. Map covers the areas of: 9.000 hectares
2. This rainforest is the: world's biggest national park
3. Cooperation from: government; scientist and help from local Indian tribes
4.They applied the GPRS data, local knowledge and aerial photographs
5.Some places are unmarked; besides forest, the plants used for medicine
6.this map out come will be the first and most important step in: C. protect the local and world forest land
7.another result can be:A. develop community
8. map can be used to educate them: B. local history
9. The problem when making the map: A. language barriers
10. Finally the most important success is: C. we won local people's contribution
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20150704 2011084
学科 植物
雅思听力题型 填空10
内容概述 藏红花
1. number of saffron 50 grams made: 11000
2. method of preservation: by drying
3. to sell it as powder
Modern usage
4. diet of rice/common dishes (and is widely used in cooking in many cuisines)
Medical applications
5. to treat disorders of eyes
6. in a rats experiment, to avoid light damage (early studies show that saffron may protect the eyes from the direct effects of bright light and retinal stress apart)
Domestic applications in Ancient countries
7. In ancient Greek and ancient Crest, people dye for clothes
Ancient Rome
8. cosmetics
9. In bath, it is used as perfume for women
10. Persian (Iran) dye for carpets
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20110109 20110219 20090115 2008
学科 环保
雅思听力题型 填空6 流程图4
内容概述 利用太阳能进行水净化
1. High level of salts makes bore water unsafe to drink.
2. SW10 makes the bore water clean it can be used in hospitals
3. SW10 can work effectively but sometimes it is quite slow
4. They want to get money from an agency called Health International
5. SW10 can provide a maximum output of 9 litres on a sunny day.
6. Each SW10 can support the water use of a family
7.盖子 is made of glass
8. SW10 和水平面的夹角是 12.5°
9 UV radiation 紫外线 can destroy germs
10. 一个管子滴水到一个圆心的桶里,这个桶叫什么?water collection tank
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20110118 20120218
学科 建筑
雅思听力题型 填空10
内容概述 荷兰立体房屋介绍cube house
1. as a function of village
His design represents a village within a city
2. Each cub building’s shape like a tree
The concept behind these houses is that he tries to create a forest by each cube representing an abstract tree; therefore the whole village becomes a forest.
3. on the top of bridge in central city
The city of Rotterdam asked him to design housing on top of a pedestrian bridge and he decided to use the cubic houses idea.
4. he met the problem of finance
5. inside the house … three pillars made of concrete
The structure of the pole consists of three concrete pillars that have concrete block filling the space in between. As for the cube, the basic structure is concrete floor with concrete pillars. On top of this structure is something similar to a typical wood frame structure with wood stud framing and rockwool insulation. To protect the wooden frame and the insulation from exposure to the elements, they are covered with cement/wood fiberboards. To give the cube a nice appearance, zinc panels were used and complemented by double-glazed windows.
6. one Building between *** and school of architecture The houses contain three floors:
7. The lower level and top level are triangle-shaped
Ground floor entrance-
First floor with living room and open kitchen the medium level is
8. and a study (business) hall
9. Top floor which is sometimes used as a small garden
The cubes are titled and sit on hexagon-shaped pole structures. The cubes contain the living areas, which are spilt into three levels. The triangle-shaped business.
10. 房子的居住者 in their one advantage of a convenient location and reasonable price yet with good facilities.
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20161119 2011097
学科 心理学
雅思听力题型 填空10
内容概述 economic and trust经济学和信托基金
1. Trust rely on kindness
2. Reduce poverty
3. Paying attention to face (hard in laboratory)
4. Involve a condition
5. sometimes be measurable
6. Animals send out oxytocin when interaction occurs
7. First participant send out money. Second participants have no obligation to
8. First participants don't have expectation of receiving money
9. have higher oxytocin levels
10. improve corporations social glue
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20150418
学科 健康
雅思听力题型 填空10
内容概述 食物和儿童健康
1. Survey for ingredients
2. stored food quality
3.cooking temperature changes in affecting the frozen food
4. supermarkets use images to attract customers
5. prime motivation: the source of the information
6. only concern for sales
7. for entertainments activities such as
8. organic food in American market
9. food safety and nutrition safety as in cooking process
10. healthy choices depend on the parents
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20141002 2010095
学科 生物
雅思听力题型 单选8 填空2
内容概述 有关海洋生物的报告,例如海豹,海藻, 海藻,食人鲸等
1. why today’s research is more accurate than the past:
A. better equipments
B. wider geographical cooperation
C. team work improves their work efficiency
2.What is main idea of this lecture:
A. impact of a special extinction on other species
B. human activities impacts to the environment
C. conservation of species
3. About 1000 years ago, sea otter was captured in the area of: village
4. one spot in Alaska
5. 100 years ago, when Spanish came to America, fur trade started.
6. Number of sea otter fell (past tense)
7. Number of sea urchin rose (past tense) (tip: here is the relationship of
ocean otter, ocean urchin and kelp forest drops. Vice versa.
8. see urchin flourish(ment) (tip: in the recording, they use the word of “explosion”)
9. seals
10. In the future, scientists predict kelp forest will decline.
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 2016019B 20121011 20100211 20070901 √
学科 历史
雅思听力题型 填空6 单选4
内容概述 蒸汽船的诞生
1. Previously talked about important building.上一次讲座的内容? 19 世纪的 Streets and roads/roads and bridges
2. The important (railway line)built in the nineteenth century.
3. Mr. Brunel 对在某个区域航海的态度? 为什么没有参加? 认为船的一部分是 impossible
4. Engine is small in big ship 引擎在在大船上相对小
5. 他们找的 Specialist engine design 公司合作的 most experienced
6. wood and steel 用来做什么?reinforced by wood and steel
7. What’s ship crew’s reaction to the accident? 船起火后船员的反应? 选 A
A. Jump into the water 跳水 B. Drowned 淹死 C.*********
8. 为什么船起火后损失不是很大? 选:B(有一个 officer 带着 handy 灭火器解决了问题 从而损失不大)
A. training of emergency B. one office had a hand water pump C…….
9. How and why the ship survive in the trip from Bristol to London? Great Westerner 是怎么从 Bristol 到London 横渡大西洋的? 选:A. (因为它是在 London 安装上的 engine 的)
A. By sailing B. engine C. ***
10. 为什么在当时也有其他公司的汽船能横渡大西洋? 选:C.要赢得这项记录
A. 乘客多 B. 想打败竞争对手 C. Get or win a good record 要赢得这项记录
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20160521 20110817 20110217 20090207
学科 人物传记
雅思听力题型 单选4 填空6
内容概述 一个学生在讲一个建筑师及其建筑物的历史变化
1.C 为什么选这个题?第一题问为什么讲话人对这个建筑师感兴趣,答案是因为他对这个建筑师的历史感 兴趣,应该选 C
2.B 选想要有别于传统,干点特别的(大概是这个意思,具体记不太清了)。那个人为什么从事那行? 有 一选项是说,受他父亲的影响,错(父亲是个做生意的),还有一个选项是说他第一次的选择错误了。然后 我选的是,他想要与众不同那个。
3. C. 为什么那个人最后从伦敦回来了?文中说,因为他去的那个地方么有赚钱的机会。选项 B 说回来有更多 business opportunities。我觉得没有说到 business,他又不是 business man,所以就选了,回来更受 尊重那个选项。
4 这个建筑师是因为什么成名的,我这个不肯定,好像是说他加入了一个建筑行业协会并成为这个协会的 会长后成名的,如果是的话就选 C。
5. leak,然后说这个 建筑现在做
6. conference centre,然后第二个建筑有一个很大的
7. balcony,现在用作
8. car park 了, 最后一个建筑原来是监狱,缺陷是囚犯没有空间 room
9. do exercises,最后这个建筑现在用作
10. transport museum 了